Choosing the Power of Prayer

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12:12

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is powerful. Every day, I see people sending out prayer requests on social media. When someone needs healing or is struggling with a loss, their family, friends, and sometimes, strangers pray for them.

Spending time in prayer brings us closer to God. We bring our petitions to Him and thank Him for all he has already done to bless us. Since I started my prayer journey with this blog, I have spent more time with God. Daily prayer has become easier for me, and I have learned to listen.

Stepping Out in Faith

After retirement, I started to look for a way to use my writing skills that would include my passions. I have spent time in prayer making this decision. Daily I asked if this was His plan. I kept putting it off, and it kept coming back, nudging me to move.

I am ready to step out in faith and start a business. I am making changes to my website as I expand from blogging to copywriting for the Christian and non-profit markets.

My passion for these markets will allow me to earn an income, help non-profit organizations to grow, and bring others to Christ.

To help me focus when I pray, I often write prayers in my journal. You may find this prayer helpful when you are struggling with decisions and seek His counsel.

Lord, I pray this is your plan for me. I will seek you daily and ask for your counsel and advice always. I will be still and listen. Lord, I need your touch to give me courage. Holy Spirit, fill me with grace and a heart for others.

Thank you for blessing me, loving me, and gifting me. In Jesus’ name, your will be done. Amen