Choosing The Obvious Solution

This morning I awoke to an odd sound in the bathroom. And the RV was shaking.

“What are you doing in there?” I called out to my husband.

“Trying to get the shower to drain. It’s not draining at all.”

“Ok.” I sighed. “I probably need to remove the cover and clean it out. Haven’t done that in a while. Leave it and go to work. I will get it.”

The shower has always drained slowly. But, it has always drained completely after the water is turned off.

Jumping into the mess

After my coffee and a quick dog walk, I tried unplugging the drain. I put on my rubber gloves, got the long tweezers, and tried to pull out what could be causing the clog. Since there was standing water in the shower pan, this attempt was not very successful.

I poured baking soda through the water over the drain. Next, I poured vinegar on the same spot. It foamed up nicely and a few air bubbles came out of the drain.

I searched the RV for the small plunger that was not under the sink where I was sure it was. Not finding it, I used the palm of my gloved hand to try to create the suction needed to plunge out whatever was plugging it. I stuck my fingers into the drain and moved them around quickly trying to dislodge the mysterious clog. I managed to pull out a little yucky matted hair, but the drain still didn’t flow.

When looking for the plunger, I had noticed a foul smell under the bathroom sink. I was starting to think we had a MAJOR issue with the plumbing.

I went outside to check the sewer hose. I wanted to be sure there wasn’t any stagnant water in it from the grey tank. I raised the hose all the way to the septic connection. No water.

Stopping to think

I started to walk back inside when it hit me. The foul smell had happened before when there was no water in the hose.

I turned around, went back to the sewer hose coming out of our RV, bent down and pulled out the first grey tank valve. Water began flowing through the hose into the septic tank. I pulled on the other grey tank valve. More water rushed into the hose.

I went inside and pushed the grey tank level buttons on the electrical panel. Both tanks were showing full. There had been no room for the shower water.

Since the shower is the lowest drain in the RV, there soon would have been no room for the kitchen sink water and the water in the shower pan would have risen, as the tanks backed into it.


In a few minutes, the water in the shower was drained and the grey tanks were empty.

It was so obvious!

This was not the first time we forgot to open the grey tanks after hooking up to the sewer. The last time, we caught it when I noticed the smell and there was no water in the hose. It is something that happens when we get in a hurry. It should have been the first thing to check. It should have been obvious.

Instead of stopping and asking myself if this had happened before, I assumed I knew what was wrong.

Choosing the best solution

I do the same thing when life gets hard. When worries about family, work, and tragedies in our country start to get me down and affect my daily life, I don’t always stop and think about the first thing I should do.

The first thing all of us should do.

We should stop and ask ourselves, “Have I prayed today? Have I prayed this week? Have I stopped and thanked my Lord and Creator for everything I am and everything I have? Have I asked Him for help?”

The best thing you and I can do each day is to pray.

Choose God first each day

When the alarm goes off, and you begin your day, stop a few minutes and pray. Before you start to think about all you have to do and the worries start, start each day having a conversation with Jesus. Give your worries over to Him and seek His help. You can pray as you drink your morning coffee. Pray as you drive in your car. Even as you shower. Starting the day by choosing to follow God and giving your worries to Him through prayer will change your life.

It has changed mine. Challenge yourself to pray each day for a month. You will notice the difference in your life. Don’t be stingy and save your prayers for Sunday. Jesus loves you and wants to hear from you every day.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV)